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which of the following definitions is the closest to the meaning of a time capsule: 

حل السؤال: which of the following definitions is the closest to the meaning of a time capsule

مرحبًا بكم في موقع "علم السؤال"، المكان الذي يجمع بين المعرفة والتعلم الشيق! نحن نفخر بتقديم مصدر شامل للطلاب الذين يسعون للتفوق في دراستهم وتحقيق النجاح.

 which of the following definitions is the closest to the meaning of a time capsule بيت العلم

يتيح لكم موقعنا الوصول إلى حلول مفصلة للأسئلة المدرسية وأوراق العمل والاختبارات. ستجدون الإجابات المنظمة بشكل مفهومي ومنهجي، مما يسهم في فهم الخطوات والمفاهيم الأساسية المتعلقة بحل سؤال: 

which of the following definitions is the closest to the meaning of a time capsule ؟ 

الإجابة الصائبة هي:

It a container storing a selection of objects chosen as being typical of the present time, buried for discovery in the future. 

A time capsule is a sealed container that is filled with various items and artifacts, typically representative of the time period in which it is created, with the intention of preserving them for future generations to discover. It is often buried or hidden with the purpose of being unearthed or opened at a later date, usually several decades or even centuries in the future. The contents of a time capsule provide valuable insights into the culture, technology, and way of life of the past, serving as a way to connect future generations with the past and to understand the changes that have occurred over time.

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which of the following definitions is the closest to the meaning of a time capsule؟
مرحبًا بك إلى علم السؤال، حيث يمكنك طرح الأسئلة وانتظار الإجابة عليها من المستخدمين الآخرين.