I usually —— at 7 oclock؟
حل سؤالك I usually —— at 7 oclock وإظهار النتيجة في موقع "علم السؤال"
احصل على حلول مفصلة للأسئلة المدرسية وأوراق العمل والاختبارات، مع شرح مفصل للخطوات والمفاهيم الأساسية.
I usually —— at 7 oclock ؟
الإجابة الصحيحة هي: eat lunch.
I usually —— at 7 oclock؟ الشرح والتوضيح
Based on the provided information, I understand that you are looking for a word that completes the sentence "I usually —— at 7 o'clock." In order to provide an accurate answer, I would need some additional context or options to choose from. Could you please provide me with the options or clarify what you are looking for?