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في تصنيف حلول دراسية بواسطة

b. choose the correct answer. 1- mary wants to talk to __________ about your homework ؟ 

حل سؤالك b. choose the correct answer. 1- mary wants to talk to __________ about your homework وإظهار النتيجة في موقع "علم السؤال"

احصل على حلول مفصلة للأسئلة المدرسية وأوراق العمل والاختبارات، مع شرح مفصل للخطوات والمفاهيم الأساسية.

b. choose the correct answer. 1- mary wants to talk to __________ about your homework ؟ 

الإجابة الصحيحة:


b. choose the correct answer. 1- mary wants to talk to __________ about your homework؟ الشرح والتوضيح

Based on the given question snippet, it seems that the question is asking for the correct option to complete the sentence. Since the sentence mentions Mary wanting to talk about homework, we need to choose the correct person for her to talk to.

The options are not provided in the question, so I will assume that they are present in the provided context. Since the context is missing, I cannot determine the correct answer. However, I can provide you with the possible options:

a) her b) you c) them d) me

To find the correct answer, consider who Mary wants to talk to about "your" homework. If "your" refers to Mary's homework, then the correct answer would be "a) her." If "your" refers to the person answering the question, then the correct answer would be "b) you." If "your" refers to someone else's homework, the correct answer would depend on who that person is.

Without additional information or context, it is not possible to determine the precise correct answer.

1 إجابة واحدة

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أفضل إجابة
b. choose the correct answer. 1- mary wants to talk to __________ about your homework؟
مرحبًا بك إلى علم السؤال، حيث يمكنك طرح الأسئلة وانتظار الإجابة عليها من المستخدمين الآخرين.