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في تصنيف حلول دراسية بواسطة

B. Choose the correct answer. 1- Mary wants to talk to about your homework؟ 

حل سؤالك B. Choose the correct answer. 1- Mary wants to talk to about your homework وإظهار النتيجة في موقع "علم السؤال"

حلول مفصلة للأسئلة المدرسية وأوراق العمل والاختبارات، مع شرح مفصل للخطوات والمفاهيم الأساسية.

B. Choose the correct answer. 1- Mary wants to talk to about your homework؟ 

الإجابة الصحيحة هي:


B. Choose the correct answer. 1- Mary wants to talk to about your homework؟ الشرح والتوضيح

Based on the provided question snippet, it seems that the question is asking for the correct option (answer) choice for the given statement. However, the statement is incomplete, and it's unclear what exactly Mary wants to talk about in relation to the homework. In order to provide a correct answer, I would need more information about the statement or the available options.

1 إجابة واحدة

0 تصويتات
أفضل إجابة
B. Choose the correct answer. 1- Mary wants to talk to about your homework؟

الجواب: you
مرحبًا بك إلى علم السؤال، حيث يمكنك طرح الأسئلة وانتظار الإجابة عليها من المستخدمين الآخرين.